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Simple Salesforce Tools that Amplify Change Management

March 9, 2021 in

When it comes to implementing a new technology, a new process, or taking on any type of organizational change, understanding how to make and sustain that change successfully is crucial. Too often, organizations focus on milestones such as go-live day for a new technology, and not enough on how to sustain the change and drive adoption for the long haul. Understanding the outcomes individual employees need to achieve for lasting change can make a significant difference in determining whether a change effort – such as a Salesforce implementation – succeeds or fails.

If you are considering a Salesforce implementation, in the middle of one, or already using Salesforce and want to ensure the tool is adopted and the change sticks, you are in luck – Salesforce provides several tools to amplify change management efforts that can be configured and set up by an administrator using clicks, not code. These tools can help provide your Salesforce users with the knowledge and ability they need to be successful and can help your organization reinforce key concepts.

Take a look at some of the HigherEchelon team’s favorite tools, and if your organization needs assistance, we’re here to help!

Customizable Help Menu

Did you know that you can customize the Help Menu within Salesforce? This is a great spot for organizational wide resources based on your own Salesforce processes. As an administrator, this trailhead is a great place to start learning how to customize your organization’s Help Menu.

Files to Store Training Materials

Salesforce Files is a great place to store training materials, guides, and videos for easy access. Create a library within Files that focuses on user specific training materials, that is easily accessible by your employees.

Provide In-App Guidance

In-App Guidance is a unique tool that provides prompts and walkthroughs to help train users on new features or onboard new users at the exact time they need help with exactly what they need help with – amazing, right? Salesforce currently provides two types of prompts: a floating prompt that displays on a page in a desired location, and a docked prompt that can be configured to stay in one place. Both can provide tips, tricks, and other fun, informative information to users. Check out more about In-App Guidance here.

Photo courtesy Salesforce.com

Add Utility Items

The Utility Item feature allows some similar functionality as in-app guidance. For example, you can present a utility bar item that can be opened anywhere within a single app. At HigherEchelon, we have used this option with customers to provide direct links to the Files Library, making accessing training materials a breeze for users. As an administrator, find the App Manager in Setup to add Utility Items to your Salesforce app.

Customize the Home Page

The Home Page provides an easy to use, customizable interface for your users so you can give them information they need and access to relevant tools all in one place. A home page can be set as an app default, org default, even assigned based on a user’s profile. When designing a home page, consider adding components that offer high value outcomes to your employees, as well as opportunities to engage with objects that they use most often. Create a home page for your users using Lighting App Builder.

There is More to Change Management than JUST Tools!

There is far more to change management than just designing simple tools in Salesforce. In addition to integrating these tools within our technical Salesforce design for our clients, HigherEchelon leverages the Prosci Change Management Methodology ADKAR Model. The ADKAR Model drives powerful results by supporting individual employee changes to ultimately achieve Salesforce implementation success. The model offers an approach to ensure that each employee experiencing change in a system and/or processes moves through the five steps necessary, ensuring overall change is successful.

Need Help?

Contact us if you’d like to learn more about how HigherEchelon partners with organizations to help quickly and successfully implement Salesforce. Our team also helps organizations get the most out of their existing Salesforce implementations, and provides training, change management, and user centered design expertise.