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NYC Salesforce Implementation & Training

Salesforce is an incredibly powerful suite of tools to manage customer and client interactions — but deploying the software and training the proper personnel to utilize its strengths can be an extremely difficult process. If you or your organization are in the process of integrating Salesforce, HigherEchelon’s NYC Salesforce implementation and training services can help. Our team of Salesforce experts have the hands-on experience and knowledge to seamlessly integrate the software into your business practices.

Why Choose Us?

At HigherEchelon, we have experience, certification, and proven results to help you with all your NYC Salesforce matters.

  • We are a Silver-Certified Salesforce Partner, a certification directly from Salesforce that indicates we have proven hands-on experience in the deployment, implementation, and training of all Salesforce services.
  • We have successfully implemented Salesforce in multiple organizations in both the public and private sectors, while also providing invaluable training in the software to others.
  • We take your timeline into consideration, utilizing strict schedules and Agile methodologies to ensure implementation and training is complete precisely when you need it.

We are here to help you with any and all matters you have regarding Salesforce implementation and training.

We Can Help With Implementation of All Salesforce Apps

As one of the oldest cloud-based customer relationship management (CRM) software suites available, Salesforce has amassed a large amount of unique insights into the biggest pain points for organizations regarding customer database management. As a result, they have released a wide suite of apps custom-tailored to specific needs.

At HigherEchelon, we have experience helping with the deployment, implementation, and training of all these different apps. This includes:

  • Commerce Cloud
  • Sales Cloud
  • Data Cloud
  • Service Cloud
  • Marketing Cloud
  • Analytics Cloud
  • Community Cloud
  • App Cloud
  • IoT

As an NYC Salesforce training services providers, we even have experience with assisting organizations in the public sector Government Cloud, a special module specifically for government organizations which required elevated security measures for sensitive, potentially classified information.

Salesforce Implementation & Training in New York City

Even in organizations with competent employees and experienced personnel, assistance in Salesforce implementation and training is highly recommended for companies in NYC.

  • Salesforce is a powerful resource precisely because there are so many configurations that can be customized depending on the organization’s needs. For companies unaware of their options, this can be overwhelming.
  • A full implementation of Salesforce often requires hands-on resources and an onboarding team dedicated to the suite — resources that many organizations may not immediately have.
  • For those companies switching from other CRM software, the transfer of existing customer data is a careful process that must be done with great care in order to prevent the loss of existing data.
  • Training an entire team of employees on your custom Salesforce configurations can be a daunting task without continuous, extensive training from experienced onboarding professionals.

Additionally, Salesforce continuously releases new features and tools that may take further assistance to fully comprehend.

We Have Proven Results in Both Public and Private Sectors

HigherEchelon has a reputation for successfully deploying and implementing Salesforce in organizations that span both the public and private sectors.

As a bustling major business center of the United States, New York City is home to several businesses and corporations in industries such as:

  • Financial Services
  • Retail
  • Manufacturing
  • Consulting and Management
  • Educational Services

HigherEchelon has successfully implemented custom Salesforce configurations for companies across all of these industries, while also providing invaluable on-going training to all relevant personnel.

In the public sector, HigherEchelon has helped implement Government Cloud and Salesforce in the following contract vehicles:

  • GSA IT70
  • Army Cloud Computing Enterprise Transformation (ACCENT)
  • Transformation Twenty-One Total Technology Next Generation (T4NG)
  • Salesforce, Integration and Support Services (SIIS)
  • Veterans Affairs Enterprise Care Management Solutions (VECMS)

Contact Us for Proven NYC Salesforce Training & Consulting Services

If you or your organization is currently deploying or implementing Salesforce, please contact us today to see how we can help. As a New York City Salesforce consulting services provider, we understand that the deployment, implementation, and training of Salesforce can be an incredibly time-consuming process — and we are here to ensure it goes smoothly within your desired timeline.